Maintenance Policies LaSalle County Highway Department

Maintenance Policies

The County operates three permanent Maintenance Garages. The Main Garage is located at the County Highway Offices on N.27th Road (Dee Bennett Road). The Leonore Maintenance Garage, located on C.H. 44, serves the southern part of the County. The Serena Maintenance Garage, located on U.S. Route 52, serves the northeastern part of the county. The Leonore and Serena garages are used primarily for snowplow operations during winter snow removal. The Highway Department also utilizes seasonal facilities in Troy Grove and Grand Ridge for snow removal operations.

In addition to snow removal and summer mowing, the Maintenance Department is responsible for numerous projects on the County Highway system. The crews repair pavement, shoulders, bridge decks, guardrail, culverts as well as work on many of the LaSalle County facilities. They also maintain over 6500 signs throughout the highway system.

Brian “BC” Connell, Maintenance Supervisor, Phone: (815) 434-0743
Ron Thomas , Road Foreman (South of the Illinois River)
Bill Kozlowski, Road Foreman (North of the Illinois River)

Establishment of Speed Limits Policy

Illinois Vehicle Code requires all traffic control devices placed by local authorities to conform to the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways stating the decision to use a sign at a particular location should be based on an engineering study. Therefore, altered speed limits must be based upon an engineering and traffic investigation and appropriate signs giving notice of the altered limit must be erected. Read Full Policy

Mailbox Policy

Sometimes mailboxes are accidentally damaged or knocked down during maintenance operations such as snow plowing. If this happens to you, we recommend that you repair your mailbox or replace it with a new one of your choice. You may be eligible for reimbursement of actual costs up to a maximum of $50 under the following conditions. Read Full Policy

Snow Removal Policy

It is the intent of the LaSalle County Highway Department to provide safe and reasonable winter driving conditions on County Highways for the general public. At the same time, the method for snow removal must economically balance the benefits and adverse effects of de-icing to roads, structures, and environment on the County road system. Read Full Policy

Mowing of Highway Right-of-Way Policy

It is the policy of the LaSalle County Highway Department to mow the shoulder and fore-slope on county highways for safety reasons and to promote positive drainage. Read Full Policy

Sign Management and Maintenance Policy

We will strive to provide a safe road system for the traveling public by conducting inspections during the year, documenting deficiencies, and maintaining and repairing when necessary. Inspection of signs throughout the year will verify the sign is in place and visible and will check for damage. Read Full Policy

Drainage Tile Policy

The following is the policy of the LaSalle County Highway Department regarding field drainage tiles within highway right-of-way. We will maintain or repair tile used for highway drainage and strongly encourage moving tiles out of the right-of-way that are of no value for highway drainage. Road crossings will be in accordance with the attached Road Boring Permit. Read Full Policy

Roadside Memorial Policy

This Roadside Memorial Policy has been developed in accordance with the Roadside Memorial Act [605 ILCS 125] to regulate the use of DUI memorial markers, fatal crash memorial markers, and associated commemorative plaques along county highways. This policy establishes standards and financial responsibility for a program of placing markers and plaques at locations under the jurisdiction of the LaSalle County Highway Department. Read Full Policy