Notice of Letting
Authorization to bid is required a minimum of 24 hours prior to the bid opening!Please contact the Highway Department |
Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the LaSalle County Engineer, 1400 N.27th Road, P.O. Box 128, Ottawa, Illinois, until 9:00 A.M., Tuesday, June 18, 2019, for the furnishing of materials and construction of the following sections:
SECTION 18-07381-00-SM – DIMMICK TOWNSHIP – Work consists of replacing two metal pipe culverts, installing pipe underdrain, aggregate base course, and HMA pavement.
SECTION 18-33373-00-RS – TROY GROVE TOWNSHIP – Work consists of base preparation, surfacing and resurfacing of N.36th Road, including aggregate wedge shoulders and other related work.
SECTION 2019 SKIP PATCH – VARIOUS HIGHWAYS – Work consists of constructing a HMA surface course on an existing bituminous surface, HMA surface removal variable depths, and other miscellaneous work.
SECTION 19-05000-08-GM (NON) – DAYTON TOWNSHIP – 2.484 Miles, Work consists of the application of a Cape Seal (Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-1), in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 403 of the Standard Specifications, followed by a latex modified course (1-Pass Micro Surface) to the existing pavements.
SECTION 19-22814-00-DR – MISSION TOWNSHIP – Work consists of removing a concrete box culvert and wing walls and installation of a 36” EQRS CMP.
SECTION 19-26384-00-SM (NON) – OTTAWA TOWNSHIP – Work consists of removing existing pavement, installing storm sewer, and HMA paving.
Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the County Engineer and shall be sealed in an envelope endorsed “18-07381-00-SM, Dimmick Township”. The County, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all bidders that the contract entered into, pursuant to this advertisement, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on ground of race, color or national origin. All Contracts for the Construction of Public Works are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12). Authorization to bid required minimum 24 hours prior to bid opening.
BY ORDER OF: Donald R. Ernat, County Engineer