Contractors LaSalle County Highway Department

Contractors Information


Authorization to Bid is required a minimum of 24 hours prior to the bid opening!

Request for Authorization to Bid or Not for Bid Status

Bidding Instructions

Statement of Compliance


Notice of Letting

Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the LaSalle County Engineer, 1400 N.27th Road, P.O. Box 128, Ottawa, Illinois, until 9:00 A.M., Wednesday, February 19, 2025, for the furnishing of materials and construction of the following sections:

25-XX000-XX-GM, 2025 SEAL COAT & A-3 COMB., GR.1 & GR.2140.36 miles, Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-1 & Subclass A-3.

25-07099-10-GM, DIMMICK TOWNSHIP – The work shall consist of 0.67 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

25-13000-10-GM, FREEDOM TOWNSHIP, ADDENDUM #1 – The work shall consist of 2.38 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

25-16000-10-GM, HOPE TOWNSHIP – The work shall consist of 0.32 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

25-18000-10-GM, MANLIUS TOWNSHIP – The work shall consist of 0.50 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

25-19000-10-GM, MENDOTA TOWNSHIP – The work shall consist of 0.64 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

25-30000-10-GM, RUTLAND TOWNSHIP – The work shall consist of 1.60 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A, Subclass A-3.

Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the County Engineer and shall be sealed in an envelope endorsed “25-XX000-XX-GM.” If mailing the bid, the marked & sealed envelope shall be inside a mailing envelope. Emailed bids Will Not be accepted. The County, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all bidders that the contract entered into, pursuant to this advertisement, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on ground of race, color or national origin.  All Contracts for the Construction of Public Works are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12). Authorization to bid required minimum 24 hours prior to bid opening.

BY ORDER OF:      
Donald Ernat, County Engineer,
LaSalle County Highway Department
1400 N. 27th Road, P.O. Box 128
Ottawa, IL 61350

Equipment Bid

Sealed bids will be received in the office of the LaSalle County Engineer, 1400 N.27th Road, P.O. Box 128, Ottawa, Illinois, until 9:00 A.M., Wednesday, February 19, 2025, for the furnishing the following:

 ½ Ton Pick-Up Truck

1 ½ Ton Dump Truck

The Persons, Firm or Corporation entering a bid shall submit it in a sealed envelope to the LaSalle County Highway Department on or before the hour and day of the opening.  The words “Pick-up Truck” or “Dump Truck” shall appear on the outside of the sealed envelope.  If mailing the bid, the marked & sealed envelope shall be inside a mailing envelope. Emailed bids Will Not be accepted. Authorization to bid required minimum 24 hours prior to bid opening.

BY ORDER OF:      
Donald Ernat, County Engineer,
LaSalle County Highway Department
1400 N. 27th Road, P.O. Box 128
Ottawa, IL 61350

Bid Tabulations

2022-2024 Bid Tabulations


Notice to All Bidders

LaSalle County requires all bidders to comply with the requirements of “A Resolution Defining Responsible Bidder” and the “Substance Abuse Prevention on Public Works Projects Act” for all work let through the LaSalle County Highway Department.

In order to be eligible for issuance of proposal documents, each bidder must have a current “Statement of Compliance” executed and on file at the Highway Department. It must be signed by the owner or corporate officer (president). The document must be accompanied by proof of participation in apprenticeship and training programs (see Item #7 on Statement of Compliance). The programs must be approved by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.

In addition, each bidder will also be required to have a current “Certificate of Eligibility” on file for contract sections.

Download the Responsible Bidder Resolution
Download the Statement of Compliance Form
Download the BC 141 Form Affidavit of Contractor
Download the BC 151 Form Affidavit of Subcontractor or Material Supplier

Prevailing Wage Rate Requirements

Not less than the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the County of LaSalle or the Illinois Department of Labor shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics performing work let through the LaSalle County Highway Department. All contractors’ bonds shall include a provision that will guarantee the faithful performance of such prevailing wage clause as provided by bid specifications or contract. Current prevailing wage rates